Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mom's Birthday

Today is my mother's 65th birthday.  She would probably kill me for admitting her age.  But I do it for a reason.  I am 23 years old.  Do the math.

My mother was in her early 40's when I came along.  A little surprise to keep the family on their feet.  That having been said, my mother is amazing.  Somehow she kept up with me, gave me what I needed, and took care of me.  I'm sure that at that age, the last thing she wanted was to care for a screaming infant.  But she did it.  And she always said that I kept her young.

Now that I have my own little girl, I think she might have been telling a little white lie.  Maybe when I got a bit older and wasn't as much work.  But when I was little, I don't know how she did it at that age.  Like I said, she is amazing.  I hope she knows that, but maybe she doesn't think of it that way.  And that is why I am putting it out there.

We fight, argue, yell....well I fight, argue, and yell.  She just shakes her head and keeps her lips locked as much as she can.  Even when she knows that she is right and I am wrong.  She lets me learn that myself.  And then waits for my apology, which I inevitably make.  Once my wounded pride at being wrong will allow me to apologize that is.  She waits patiently and never gets mad at me, no matter how mad I get and how much I yell.

My point here is that I love my Mommy.  And the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to say it.  So Happy Birthday Mommy!!  You are an amazing woman and I love you with all my heart.  Thank you for everything!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This week is going to be crazy, but so much fun.  Mike and I decided to have Thanksgiving at our new house.  So we are going to have his family, my parents, and my best friend.  So many people.  So much food.  It's going to be a great time.  We are all really looking forward to it.

It is so hard to balance holidays when you are married.  And it gets even harder when you have a baby.  Everyone wants to see her at Christmas, but you have no choice but to disappoint someone.  Each person wants to be with his/her family because that is the tradition.  What to do?  It's pretty much an impossible situation.  My family has a little family party just after Christmas.  So I guess that's close enough to Christmas.  It's still sad not to be with my family for the actual holiday.  But I suppose I'll get used to it doing it every year.

I would like to hope that things will get easier as Kaylee gets older, but I doubt it.  When she gets older, we'll just have to worry about making the long trip with two children instead of one.  That is not going to be fun.  I thought when you had kids, people were supposed to come to you, instead of you coming to them!  Haha  If only that was true! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


In the last couple of days, I have realized that creating an awesome website is almost impossible unless you have expertise in that area.  Google sites lets you do some things, but not others.  Other generic website creating software has limits too.  Basically, I have been doing everything possible to figure this out and have gotten nowhere.  I want to put some photo albums in and a calendar.  Which you can do on Google sites....but you can't change the putting text next to the picture as opposed to under it...

Anyways, I don't know what I am going to do at this point.  But I know that eventually I will figure it out.  It may not be the best website, but I will definitely get it done.  Fun, fun, fun.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was reading for Fiction Writing today and it made me think about how interesting the workshop process is.  Reading other people's fiction and critiquing it, analyzing the plots and characters. Finding out a writer's strengths and weaknesses and trying to help them improve.  Having others tell you your strengths and weaknesses and learning how to be a better writer - a better storyteller. 

Good writers in a general sense are not hard to come by, but weaving together a web of details and descriptions, plots and people....well, the thought is kind of overwhelming.  That is why walking into Fiction Writing when it is time to review your own story is terrifying.  All you can do is hold your breath and hope that at least one person in that room liked your story.  And that no one tells you that you are wasting your time because you are horrible.  (Which no one would ever say because they are not evil, but it is still something that as writers, we constantly fear.)

I keep thinking about how different each writer is and what their process might be like.  How do they come up with their story ideas?  Why do they write about a specific subject?  Does it have to do with their past?  Is it just something they happen to be interested in?  Why?  I think it is all so fascinating.

If they chose to write about something different, to try something new, is it because they want to?  Or is it because they think that they should?  For example, if someone tells you not to write fantasy, do you listen?  Even if it is what you enjoy writing?  Or do you continue on writing what you love and ignore them? 

If a writer chooses to write something outside of their comfort zone for the sake of learning, is it really a good thing?  Or will their experimental writing pale in comparison to the stories that they took pleasure in writing because it was their passion?

Just some thoughts.

Friday, November 11, 2011


In fiction writing last night, we did a great exercise that really helps with creativity and coming up with story ideas.  I loved it.  All it takes is a few index cards and a pen.  I mean, come on.  It doesn't get any easier than that.

We wrote some kind of identifier on one card and some kind of action on another.  The identifier could be something like: the milkman, the maid, the accountant, etc.  Anything.  The action should not be something simple (tied her shoe) or something completely outrageous and impossible.  It should be something unique that is possible, but also not something that happens every day.  Some examples from last night's class are: slashed his tires, put the hamster in the microwave, and punched the librarian (thank you Evan!)

We took our identifier card and passed it to our left and then took the action and passed it to our right.  Everyone was left with new cards.  Nothing that they actually wrote.  Some were boring and did not make sense, but some were so funny and just amazing.

So you then ask yourself: why did the identifier do this action?  For example, my combination of cards left me with this question: why did the investment banked punch the librarian?  Think about that question for a minute and try to come up with the story.  It's awesome.

Now I will be getting a stack of index cards and filling them out.  I might even have some of my friends and family fill some out.  That would give me some options that I would not think of myself.

Friday, November 4, 2011


We are officially in the new house and I absolutely love it!  Of course, we just moved in on Tuesday so there is stuff everywhere and nothing is set up.  But still, it's ours.  Our home.

Kaylee is comfortable here already, which is wonderful.  She loves her room, particularly the multicolored fan.  The people before us must have had kids.  All of her toys and things are here so she has plenty to play with.  We've got her jumperoo, which she still loves, and she doesn't even need a pillow underneath it anymore.  She can touch the floor!  I can't believe how fast she is growing.  I'm looking at her in the jumperoo right now and she is just so adorable!  She definitely has me wrapped around her little finger.  When she smiles and giggles, I'm gone.

I keep looking around the house thinking about all the things that need to be baby-proofed.  A gate for the basement door.  Padding around the fireplace.  At least we don't need outlet covers.  Mike put tamper resistant outlets in the majority of the house already.  And he'll be replacing the rest of them when he has time.  Time is hard to come by right now.  We've done so much to the house already, but there is always more.  Most of it can wait, but some things need attention now.  Like the baby-proofing.  Looking at Kaylee, I can tell that we will need to baby-proof very soon.  I feel like she could stand on her own any second now.  And I feel like she is going to skip the crawling stage.  She hates being on her stomach.  Maybe she will be one of those babies that just butt-scoots across the floor.  That would be hilarious.