Friday, September 9, 2011

Let me begin by saying that I have no idea what to do with this Blog.  I have never blogged before because I don't usually consider myself as having anything interesting to say most of the time.  However, I will do my best to come up with thoughts that will interest and intrigue.

One thing that I will admit today is that I promised myself that I would never get a Twitter account.  To be honest, I have never seen the point in them.  In general, I don't post many Facebook status updates, but instead use it to keep in touch with people and look at pictures of my nieces.  So obviously, I have no idea what to do with a Twitter.  But when I signed up for my account today, which is for the same class as this Blog, I found something interesting.  I poked around and decided to follow some Twitter accounts concerning parenting, just to have something to follow, considering I have a 6 month old daughter.  Then, I noticed a Groupon was posted by MomsWhoSave that was for Mixbook, a website that I have used several times because they do great photo books.  I shared the coupon with my husband and my family because it was a great deal.  All of a sudden, I realized that my Twitter account had proved itself useful the first day that I had it.  I guess I should not have been so quick to judge.  I still don't see the point of sharing countless status messages each day, which so many people do, but I guess I can see how Twitter can be used in other practical ways.  Perhaps it will prove to be useful more often than I think.

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