My husband and I are renewing our vows in October and I have been trying to make planning the event as easy as possible. But no matter how hard I might try, not everything is in my control. For example, I can send self-addressed self-stamped envelopes for the RSVP's, but I cannot make people send them out. Granted, I made the RSVP date one week before I needed the actual numbers, so I knew the RSVP's would be a problem. Let's face it, they always are. Going into this weekend (the RSVP date was Friday), I have still not gotten RSVP's from upwards of 40 people. Herein lies the problem. Even though I have heard from some of these people, saying that they are coming, I have not gotten their RSVP. Obviously, I have issues with being a bit of a control freak and I don't like not having a physical RSVP. To me, the RSVP says to me that they have taken the time to mark the event on a calendar and will not forget about it. The people who simply tell me they are coming are those I worry will forget.
I'm so excited for the renewal and I wish I could just fast forward past all the planning. Doesn't planning just drive you nuts sometimes?!?! I love planning and organization, but I feel like since it is an event that I am planning for myself, I am far too involved to be doing all the planning without going nuts. Hopefully, I will get all the RSVP's and the event will go off without a hitch. Let's face it, what are the odds of that happening. However, whether or not things go wrong, I know that on that day, I will not care in the least. Because I am celebrating my life with my wonderful husband and our lovely new family. The event doesn't need to be perfect, as long as we're all there.
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