Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The video chat last night was phenomenal.  Mike and I really think that Kaylee is starting to realize that it was Daddy's face on the screen.  Not only was she smiling when he made faces at her, but she was making the funniest noises. 

She has started making double sounds.  You know?  Not just saying "ahhh."  She has moved on to a noise that sometimes sounds like "raaa" and other times sounds like "waaa."  Except not the crying "waaa" sound.  Just an adorable noise that makes me giggle because once she starts making it, she won't stop.  It's hilarious!!

Also, we went to the apple orchard for the first time yesterday.  We only stayed for a few minutes, but my mother-in-law and I really wanted Kaylee to be able to see the trees and the apples.  So we got some cute pictures of her trying to put the apple in her mouth.  Of course, it was not exactly clean so I didn't let her have it!  But it was a fun trip and I think Kaylee really enjoyed it.  And we got to buy some awesome apple cider!  Yummy!!

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