Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today I took Kaylee to see Mike at work in Manchester and we went out to lunch with some friends.  It was so great to see Mike during the day and I think he really enjoyed getting to see Kaylee. 

I know that it makes him sad to be away from her all day, which is why he goes into work so early.  That way, he gets to see her for a long time in the afternoon.  He is so amazing for doing that.  Also, it is awesome that his work lets him do that.  Companies are getting so much better at working with their employees, striving to achieve a work/life balance that is the best for everyone involved.  Mike is able to adjust his schedule, for the most part, to fit our life and our family.  In turn, he is a happy, efficient employee who does amazing work, which benefits the company.  It's a win-win situation.

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